The best solution

Paintless Dent Repair has the advantage that the original panel and paint remain intact. Moreover, it is very timesaving and it is the most eco friendly car repair technique. Almost all dents up to a diameter of 3 cm, and often even larger dents, can be repaired with this technique.

Savings up to 70% on the repair costs can be achieved. Hardly any car parts need removing and refitting, there are no colour or shine differences, and in most cases even dents behind reinforcements can be repaired. The paint should not be deeply damaged though, but we sometimes can repair a superficial paint scratch.

Wel mag de laklaag geen echt diepe beschadiging hebben opgelopen, maar bij een licht krasje kunnen we soms nog wel een lakcorrectie toepassen.

A list of all advantages:
  • The most eco friendly car repair technique
  • Quick same-day repair service
  • Your car retains its original paint, so no colour differences
  • No depreciation in part exchange
  • Up to 70% cheaper than conventional dent repair and repainting.